Sunday, May 3, 2009

Nothing to Do but Love Him

I didn't have time to write a new blog post last week because I was busy persevering to write my Perseverance talk! So two meetings have passed, and I can hardly believe we only have three more Tuesday nights together. I can't tell you how much I'll miss our weekly gatherings between the end of May and the Walk weekend in July. There's just something about team meetings that keeps me focused on Christ and keenly aware of God's work all around me. When I take off those "Jesus glasses" (as Diane H. refers to them) I'm in danger of just going through the motions of life.

So before I forget them, here are a few of the highlights (for me) of our last two meetings...

Two weeks ago, Lori G. reminded us to never assume one of our pilgrims isn't "getting it." As we get ready to shepherd the women God is preparing right now to send in July, it's easy to try and micromanage the weekend to produce the fruit we think God wants. We say it's His weekend, but by golly we have a schedule to stick to, and there are certain points in the weekend that typically result in pilgrims experiencing common reactions or feelings. When one doesn't seem to be falling into line with the others we get worried. But thank you Lori for reminding us that every one of God's children is different (just like mine), and in His perfect timing He will speak to each of them in the heart language that they understand. It may be during Dying Moments or Candlelight, through agape gifts or letters, or even after they return home. But we have to trust that God will complete the good works he begins on the Walk to Emmaus and that He will reveal Himself to the pilgrims when and how He chooses.

In a brief explanation of the way the Grace talks dovetail together, Mike S. phrased it beautifully: “Grace is grace, from beginning to end.” How true! We were also reminded of the power of Justifying Grace by John Roe. And one of the women whose picture could be beside the definition of "Bible Study Leader" in the dictionary, Libby S., inspired me to "do better" and catch up on my Beth Moore homework!

Last week, in a sweet mother-daughter devotional, Cindy and Rachel G. gently pointed out that to anticipate is to sometimes miss the blessing of the unexpected. Donna Q., who did a beautiful job with the Christian Action talk, posed the question, "Where has all of the love gone?" Good question indeed, but my favorite quote from her talk was this one: "Christian action is EVERY action a Christian lives." AMEN. In her Obstacles to Grace talk, Barbara F. reminded us that, "There is always more grace in God than there is sin in us." I don't know about you, but I'm praising Him for that!

You can see we're into some really good stuff in our team meetings. But our chapel time at the end of each meeting is still the icing on my Emmaus cake. And no blessing was sweeter than to see my dear friend Patty O. across the room last Tuesday night, a precious link in our circle of love. You see, I really believe Satan thought he'd won a great victory, attacking her mind and emotions, and taking her away from us for a few weeks. But he's no match for our God, who will always claim the final victory. And so Patty returned to us, restored to wholeness and giving Him all the glory. God even redeemed a relationship for her along the way, bringing something beautiful out of the ashes in that amazing way He has.

There's nothing we can do but love a God like that.


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