Sunday, March 29, 2009

From the Beginning

Susan Link, Table of Sarah, 1996.

Remember the last time you took a vacation? Did you come home with photos, postcards, souvenirs maybe? Even if your last trip was business, rather than pleasure, you surely returned with memories of your travels.

Thirteen years ago I took a journey to Emmaus, and it changed my life. I began an authentic relationship with Jesus on the Campus of Emory & Henry College that July; prior to that we were mere acquaintances, even though I had been baptized and confirmed into church membership as a youth.

When I came home on Sunday night, I brought a bag full of rainbow agape gifts, an enveloped filled with tear-stained letters, and a few extra pounds. But more important than any souvenir, I came home from Emmaus with the sure and powerful heart knowledge that God loved me more that I had ever imagined possible.

The journey has continued on from there, with the inevitable turns in the road and the occasional dead end. But I’ve never lost sight of my destination and I’ve tried to share as much love as I could along the way.

This year the road has taken another turn, and I find myself in the position of Women’s Walk Director. It’s a humbling place to serve and I’m simply trusting that God is going to equip me. After all, this is His walk, not mine.

Last week, two days before team meetings began, my friend Debbie sent me an email from the beach (I could almost smell the salt air). She wrote,

“Make sure you enjoy the moments of watching for His glory during the process. This will be good. And part of me wants to encourage you, too, to journal during the process so you will have tangible proof of how He's led and directed along the way.”

My initial reaction was, “Nice idea, but not going to happen.” Where would I find the time? Well, I still don’t know where I’ll find the time, but the more I thought about it the more God gave me a vision of this blog.

So here I am, on the journey to Emmaus again and open to any excursions in grace He may have planned for us, the women of Highlands Emmaus Team #37. I have no doubt that the resurrected Lord who walks alongside us will reveal Himself in countless ways between now and mid-July, and I hope to share some of those here, for our team and our community.


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