Monday, March 30, 2009

Buckets of Grace

Johnna H. gave our first practice talk last week — Priority. She did a great job with it, particularly since it’s the “odd talk out,” with no mention of God or scripture. But what stuck with me was something she said before she even got started. She asked us for “buckets of grace.”

I can’t even recall why she thought she needed all that grace. Like I said, she was terrific, and I know she knows His grace is sufficient, even when we’re giving practice talks! In fact, God gives us buckets of grace every day, so why are we so stingy about sharing it with others?

Anyway, here’s a personal snapshot of His grace from that first meeting last week. I thought I was organized when I got to the church at 5 p.m. Really, I did. But I couldn’t get the good copier to work and I jammed up the not-so-good one. Eventually, after a panicked call from me, Barbara F. showed up, waved her hands over those pesky copiers, and had them working in no time flat. But the damage was done and I was flustered...scattered...disorganized.

As the team started to arrive, I wanted so badly to hug them and take them aside individually for a good, long chat. I yearned to tell them how much I appreciated them saying YES to God, and showing up for the first meeting. But there was no chance of that happening, and later I just knew the team was onto me, thinking, “Wow, she doesn’t have a clue what she’s doing. We’re all going over a cliff here!”

Things got smoother as the evening progressed. (Note: Our music team ROCKS! Never, ever underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit working through the music team on the walks.) And then, suddenly, we were in the Sanctuary.

John R. gave a sweet devotion, and then asked me to help him serve Holy Communion. At first I thought he was talking to Susan F., who was sitting behind me. After all, didn’t he know how emotional I can get serving Communion? It’s always an incredibly precious and humbling experience for me.

But this time was particularly overwhelming as, one by one, the team members God called and I was privileged to invite on His behalf stood before me to receive His grace and mercy from the cup I held.

“Christ's blood, shed for you, ______.”

As I called each one by name and we locked eyes, it was crystal clear to me: This was His grace for me, poured out of a bucket and over my heart like spring water to refresh my spirit. It was pure restoration of the contact I so missed and longed for earlier in the evening. Now how loving is that?

See you tomorrow night, precious team members!

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