Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Last night, after our third meeting, one of our team members said to me, "I feel the power of the Holy Spirit more on this team than any other team I've been on." Now I know past Walk Directors have likely felt this same thing, but I had to agree with her.

God never fails to show up when we're faithful to answer his call to walk with Him on the road to Emmaus. But His presence among us this time is so real that it's almost tangible, and I can practically feel the tug of the needle pulling the thread as he weaves us together into a colorful and rich representation of His love and grace. Johnna H. gave a heartfelt devotional that led straight into our prayer, hearts lifted n unison, for a sister in Christ and fellow team member who is struggling under attack. Then we were blessed by Jim O.'s remarkable reminder that God's Prevenient Grace is what brings us to this life of grace. Dorothy P. was the picture of Piety (it's a good thing!), as she challenged us to go "whole hog," and not be "chickens" in our daily walks.

But if I had to point to single time during our Tuesday nights together, a time that binds us together more than any other, it would be our chapel time. I cannot tell you how grateful I am that my precious friend Barbara F. is serving on this Walk as clergy for the first time. Her gentle message covered us like a blanket, and set the stage for our circle time, our time to share joys and burdens. Note, I didn't say prayer requests. These are our glimpses of God, and how He is working in our lives, touching our hearts, prompting us to do His will. Folks, we are having CHURCH during team meetings! And I'm going to have to buy several boxes of tissues before next Tuesday, because the tenderness in that room (whichever room we happen to be in) is palpable and sweet.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

DeColores, S.

P.S. - Team, please be in prayer for New River Valley's Men's Emmaus Walk, which starts tomorrow. And when you catch me looking at you during team meetings, just know I'm thinking about how much I love each and every one of you! See you next Tuesday.

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