Thursday, April 2, 2009

He Changes Everything

We had another good meeting Tuesday night (3/31). To me it felt like we started to hit our stride in this second gathering because we had two speakers and everyone knew what to expect, for the most part. Mike S. talked about the Means of Grace (there are so many!) and Connie C. reminded us that sometimes we just need God "with skin on." She also pointed out that we'll have the privilege of being just that—God with skin on—to the pilgrims who are called to our walk in July.

In the chapel, Susan F. echoed that thought with her devotional. She told us she ran into one of our team members earlier in the week and this woman told her she couldn't help wondering, "Why ME?" Just in case you're asking the same thing—on this walk, in your church, at your workplace, in your family, or wherever God has called YOU to show His love—remember this: He equips the ones He calls. Like Susan said, He called each of our names in heaven and has a very specific purpose for every one of us.

In July we will very likely realize why He called us to serve. What a blessing when we can see His hand at work through us. But even if we can't decipher His master plan, we can trust that it WILL be accomplished. We’ll plant the seeds and hope to enjoy the fruits. But not seeing the harvest doesn't mean there isn't one.

I would add that He will also change you, team members, through this experience. He has something special for each and every one of us. No, it's not our walk. But believe me when I tell you that you will be changed. Jesus changes everything.

At the end of our time together, I asked if anyone would like to share a "glimpse of God's grace" he or she had witnessed the previous week. I was overwhelmed and so thankful to hear the team's responses. As we stood with hands joined, we heard how He had changed moods, minds, and lives. Remember, He changes EVERYTHING.

We're not meeting next week, and I already miss you all!


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