Friday, July 31, 2009

Eyes Wide Open

When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him..." ~ Luke 24:30-31 (NIV)

My previous blog entry was about 10 hours before Send-Off for Highlands Emmaus Women’s Walk #37. Now, in the blink of an eye, it’s been two weeks since Closing, and I’m just getting around to winding up this Journey to Emmaus.

As usual, it’s taken some time to catch up on my sleep, some time to dive back into my Fourth Days, and some time to process my thoughts. And God has also taken some time of His own to speak to me about the journey, for which I’m grateful. To serve as Lay Director was a precious and timely gift, one that has left me humbled, thankful, and almost as overwhelmed as I was when I began the journey last December.

I went on my own Walk to Emmaus 13 years ago and it has been my joy to have served on several teams over the years since then. But in many ways, serving as Lay Director for this walk has been an experience unlike any other for me. For one thing, there was much more up-front work to be done, and God had to do a lot of polishing on my limited administrative skills during the months leading up to the walk. Also, when I arrived at Emory Wednesday night before the walk to set up for the weekend I immediately noticed that I was a magnet for everyone’s questions, and I could only wish I had all of the right answers! Fortunately, even though I didn’t know it all, I had an amazing conference room team and an equally brilliant background team supporting me. And let me say for the record right now, I couldn’t have done anything without them! I dearly love each and every one of my Emmaus brothers and sisters who were involved in any way, shape, or form.

Once the weekend commenced, I had a great deal more reading to do than I have in the past. I was especially nervous about the Lay Director’s spiel on Thursday night, because I remember how I felt when I found out on my walk that I had to give up my watch, my phone, and my extensive language skills! But our pilgrims were gracious and apparently didn’t pack tomatoes to throw (or snack on), so we got off to a good start. After that, I told someone it was like a car at the top of a steep hill: I just gave it a push and jumped in the passenger seat as it started down the slope!

While this walk was especially poignant and, in many ways, unique for me, in other ways it was like every walk (the best walk ever!). We all know the Emmaus weekend is structured to be consistent. No matter where or when you walk, the schedule of events, the talks, the worship services – all are designed that we can share a common experience as the Body of Christ, both with each other and with the pilgrims to come. The Walk to Emmaus is a great equalizer.

But we can also count on God showing up for every Emmaus Walk, and this weekend was no exception. I saw Him everywhere…

in the shining faces of the community serving us.
in the tears washed away by our Dying Moments.
in the bread and juice on the altar.

I heard Him…

in the silence Thursday night.
in the laughter at Entertainment.
in the sacred music woven throughout the weekend.

And I felt Him…

in the sweet peace of the Prayer Room.
in every hug at Crossing.
in every testimony given at Closing.

It’s funny…I’ve heard all 15 talks countless times, but God always uses them to speak to me anew on every walk, and this one was no exception. Kim’s Fourth Day talk, in particular, stirred my heart and imagination:

“Lives will be changed through fresh encounters with the risen Savior…This Walk is not primarily for you, but for your families, friends, church, co-workers, and people you haven’t even met yet.”

“You don’t have to be like the world to have an impact on the world…Live simply, and let God be God.”

When I imagine the ripple effects of every Emmaus Walk weekend, it simply takes my breath away. Fourth Days aren’t always easy, but whatever we experience in our three-day Emmaus event is possible to experience in our Fourth Day. The treasure of The Walk to Emmaus movement – life in grace – is ours to have. And while this weekend is over, the journey to Emmaus never really ends for those who continue on in their Fourth Days.

Here’s to life in grace!

Love and DeColores,

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Ten short hours and we’ll be off and running! To be accurate, we’ll be walking to Emmaus, but the time there will fly by and before we know it we’ll be home again, poured out and filled up to overflowing again on Highland Emmaus Community’s 37th Women’s Walk.

Last weekend, serving on the background for the Men’s Walk, the two questions I heard the most were, “Are you ready?” and “Are you nervous?” My answers then were no and no again, but I’m almost ready now. I’ve packed my bags (and a few boxes of “just in case” items) and we’re set up on the campus of Emory & Henry. My talk is tweaked, my agape letters written, my covered dish cooked.

But more than all of that, I’m ready to see what God will do in the lives of the women He sends this weekend. I’m ready for him to show up in a BIG way! And I’m ready to bask in His presence for 72 hours without the everyday interruptions of the real world.

Bless his heart, my friend Rick G. asked me a different question at Emory last night: “Are you EXCITED?” he asked, practically vibrating with his own excitement. I had to tell him that, even though I am very excited, I am a pretty laid back girl and the casual observer may not see my enthusiasm on the surface.

My heart is also very tender for the pilgrims who will come, as well as for my team. The devil has been hitting all of us hard this past week with his full arsenal of ammunition. But my confidence (and yes Rick, my excitement) comes from knowing that our God is bigger by far than Satan, and this weekend is HIS. He is in control, and Satan has no place among us. God will work His mighty miracles and lives will be forever changed, and if that doesn’t cause the hairs to stand up on your arms in anticipation, you need to get excited!

To God be the glory for all He has done and all he has yet to do on this Walk to Emmaus.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. ~ Hebrews 12:1-3 (NIV)


Monday, May 25, 2009

Hands to Serve Him, Hearts to Love Him

Every year, as May catches up with June, I wish I had more days to enjoy it. May is one of my favorite months, but it’s also one of the busiest and I rarely get a chance to immerse myself in its beauty.

This May, perhaps more than any other, I’m wishing for more time. Our Emmaus team meetings have flown by and last Tuesday night (5/19) we celebrated our final time together as a team until we meet at Emory for Send Off on July 16th. There is much for me to do between now and then, and those weeks will pass quickly, too. But I can’t explain how I’ll miss the smiling faces, the encouragement, the prayers, the music, the laughter, the shared Communion, and, perhaps most of all, our circle of agape love. All of these have been food for my soul these past months.

So on Tuesday we shared a leisurely meal (a salad supper, to be exact and true to my southern roots) and revealed our prayer partners. It’s crucial for us to continue praying for each other, as well as the Pilgrims God will bring, because the world will surely press in on us during the days to come. I found out my former table leader and dear friend Sue D. is also my prayer partner – another “twist of grace!” I am so thankful for her (and for her mad quilting skills, too!). Several team members were absent Tuesday night due to illness, including the one I’ve been specifically praying for. I hope to catch up with her over lunch soon.

Ironically, although I’ve helped come up with Lay Director gifts several times in the past, I had completely forgotten about the tradition this year! I was truly surprised and so touched when my team presented me with a leather-bound “Grace for the Moment” journal (in keeping with our grace theme and my need to write), as well as gorgeous rainbow-colored, fusion glass cross. (How did they know I’d always wanted to take a fusion glass class?) They also gifted me with two CDs packed with praise music and a beautiful silver bracelet inscribed with Proverbs 3:6:

“In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.”

Not only was each gift perfectly personal to me, now I won’t have to even consider having scripture tattooed around my wrist (inside joke…)! I thank each and every one of you – you are all precious to me!

Another team member who was ill that night was Lloyd J., who was scheduled to present his Sanctifying Grace talk. We missed him, but were graced by a devotional straight from Kim C.’s heart. It turned out to be right on topic – a perfect illustration of God’s sanctifying grace in her life. And, in one of many grace moments from that evening, she shared some gifts God has blessed her with along the journey. Her pebbles of grace were reflected in our worship later, as we were invited to pick up our own stones as reminders of His grace in our lives.

But my most precious memory of our last night was of watching our team wash and dry each other’s hands, blessing each other with humility and love. It was a vivid picture of grace, and a foretaste of the servanthood we will each be called to reflect on our upcoming Walk.

Water, trickling from a fountain and poured out over open hands…the fragrance of anointing oil…voices and arms lifted up to the Father…the bread and juice of life, offered to me as I knelt at the altar…whispered prayers….a smooth pebble pressed between my palm and Barbara’s…glowing faces and hearts, grace moments shared around our circle….

Thank you Jesus, for calling each of us for such a time as this. And thank you team, for saying yes to His calling. May he bless our hands to serve Him, and our hearts to love Him.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Nothing to Do but Love Him

I didn't have time to write a new blog post last week because I was busy persevering to write my Perseverance talk! So two meetings have passed, and I can hardly believe we only have three more Tuesday nights together. I can't tell you how much I'll miss our weekly gatherings between the end of May and the Walk weekend in July. There's just something about team meetings that keeps me focused on Christ and keenly aware of God's work all around me. When I take off those "Jesus glasses" (as Diane H. refers to them) I'm in danger of just going through the motions of life.

So before I forget them, here are a few of the highlights (for me) of our last two meetings...

Two weeks ago, Lori G. reminded us to never assume one of our pilgrims isn't "getting it." As we get ready to shepherd the women God is preparing right now to send in July, it's easy to try and micromanage the weekend to produce the fruit we think God wants. We say it's His weekend, but by golly we have a schedule to stick to, and there are certain points in the weekend that typically result in pilgrims experiencing common reactions or feelings. When one doesn't seem to be falling into line with the others we get worried. But thank you Lori for reminding us that every one of God's children is different (just like mine), and in His perfect timing He will speak to each of them in the heart language that they understand. It may be during Dying Moments or Candlelight, through agape gifts or letters, or even after they return home. But we have to trust that God will complete the good works he begins on the Walk to Emmaus and that He will reveal Himself to the pilgrims when and how He chooses.

In a brief explanation of the way the Grace talks dovetail together, Mike S. phrased it beautifully: “Grace is grace, from beginning to end.” How true! We were also reminded of the power of Justifying Grace by John Roe. And one of the women whose picture could be beside the definition of "Bible Study Leader" in the dictionary, Libby S., inspired me to "do better" and catch up on my Beth Moore homework!

Last week, in a sweet mother-daughter devotional, Cindy and Rachel G. gently pointed out that to anticipate is to sometimes miss the blessing of the unexpected. Donna Q., who did a beautiful job with the Christian Action talk, posed the question, "Where has all of the love gone?" Good question indeed, but my favorite quote from her talk was this one: "Christian action is EVERY action a Christian lives." AMEN. In her Obstacles to Grace talk, Barbara F. reminded us that, "There is always more grace in God than there is sin in us." I don't know about you, but I'm praising Him for that!

You can see we're into some really good stuff in our team meetings. But our chapel time at the end of each meeting is still the icing on my Emmaus cake. And no blessing was sweeter than to see my dear friend Patty O. across the room last Tuesday night, a precious link in our circle of love. You see, I really believe Satan thought he'd won a great victory, attacking her mind and emotions, and taking her away from us for a few weeks. But he's no match for our God, who will always claim the final victory. And so Patty returned to us, restored to wholeness and giving Him all the glory. God even redeemed a relationship for her along the way, bringing something beautiful out of the ashes in that amazing way He has.

There's nothing we can do but love a God like that.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Update on Background Teams

I am so excited that our Background Teams are finally coming together! Of all of the changes Highlands Emmaus has implemented during the past couple of years, I believe with all my heart that the formation of Background Teams has the greatest potential to make a positive impact on our community. These teams of Emmaus members will work in tandem with the Conference Room Teams and will be every bit as vital to the success of our walk weekends.

Any community member is always encouraged and welcomed to show up and serve in the background during Walks. Hear me when I say if you've been on an Emmaus Walk we still want and need you at Emory & Henry in July, whether you're officially on the Background Team or not!

But also having volunteers who are intentionally committed to certain background tasks during the weekends will 1) allow more people to be involved in our Walks than ever before, 2) make sure we have all of our bases covered, and 3) become the first step in the ideal of "progressive servanthood."

Peggy Lootens is heading up the Background Team for the Women's Walk and Bill Ogle is heading up the Background Team for the Men's Walk. Here is an encouraging excerpt from an email Peggy sent earlier this month:

We need 10 or so designated background Chairpersons for each walk. These Chairs will have a “teaming” event (or events) sometime in June to bond, brainstorm, and finalize as a Background Team. Each of these can have as many as needed from the community to get the task to done for the weekend. There is a list of community members who have never teamed; we need to get this list into the hands of the chairs. The board will help identify community people to help.

We will need to work with Susan and Vince, and/or an ALD contact to develop a schedule for background jobs. Johnna Hernandez has been assigned this liaison task for the Women’s Walk. We are trying to cover as much as possible with background persons so that in the future, we can have fewer ALDs on the team. These ALDs need to be able to concentrate on the conference room and Pilgrim needs.

These are who we have on board so far:

-Connie O’Dell will continue to collect gift agape and have it sorted for background people to distribute for meals, conference room tables and beds. It sort of worked last year for the Women’s Walk, but we can make it work better. We will need Connie’s input as we plan.

-Crystal Davidson will continue to gather letter agape (from other communities) to display in the conference room. She is also on board to help be our board rep to communicate the agape needs. We also need to consider how we want to do the snack agape tables.

-Rick Guthrie will do the final Take Down on Sunday of the Women’s Walk, and whatever else he can for the WW.

-Amber Fiedler has volunteered to fill the kitchen boxes. She will also type out prayer requests from Sponsor’s Hour for the Prayer Room Cross.

-Amber has volunteered to do the computer background needs for the WW, since Mary Burns is on the team.

-Bill Everett has been, and will continue providing suggestions from his wealth of experience in the Tidewater Community.

-Dale Dietz needs to be part of this to contribute from his experience of many years as background volunteer.

That’s a start. Please respond with corrections and suggestions.


July will be here before we know it, folks. Remember, it takes an entire Emmaus community to hold a Walk. How can you help?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Last night, after our third meeting, one of our team members said to me, "I feel the power of the Holy Spirit more on this team than any other team I've been on." Now I know past Walk Directors have likely felt this same thing, but I had to agree with her.

God never fails to show up when we're faithful to answer his call to walk with Him on the road to Emmaus. But His presence among us this time is so real that it's almost tangible, and I can practically feel the tug of the needle pulling the thread as he weaves us together into a colorful and rich representation of His love and grace. Johnna H. gave a heartfelt devotional that led straight into our prayer, hearts lifted n unison, for a sister in Christ and fellow team member who is struggling under attack. Then we were blessed by Jim O.'s remarkable reminder that God's Prevenient Grace is what brings us to this life of grace. Dorothy P. was the picture of Piety (it's a good thing!), as she challenged us to go "whole hog," and not be "chickens" in our daily walks.

But if I had to point to single time during our Tuesday nights together, a time that binds us together more than any other, it would be our chapel time. I cannot tell you how grateful I am that my precious friend Barbara F. is serving on this Walk as clergy for the first time. Her gentle message covered us like a blanket, and set the stage for our circle time, our time to share joys and burdens. Note, I didn't say prayer requests. These are our glimpses of God, and how He is working in our lives, touching our hearts, prompting us to do His will. Folks, we are having CHURCH during team meetings! And I'm going to have to buy several boxes of tissues before next Tuesday, because the tenderness in that room (whichever room we happen to be in) is palpable and sweet.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

DeColores, S.

P.S. - Team, please be in prayer for New River Valley's Men's Emmaus Walk, which starts tomorrow. And when you catch me looking at you during team meetings, just know I'm thinking about how much I love each and every one of you! See you next Tuesday.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Agape from South Georgia

Crystal D. recently sent conference room wall agape from Highlands Emmaus to Dayspring Walk to Emmaus in Southeast Georgia. In turn, they sent our community some wall agape, as well as this prayer for our walks:

May God move in a mighty way amongst the team and pilgrims on your upcoming weekends. We pray that God is working in the hearts of them, even now, for them to be open and receptive to what He would have them hear and learn on the weekend. We pray a hedge of protection around the teams, pilgrims, and sites.

In Christ's name, Amen.